domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

Sunday, the 17th - We 're leaving :((

So today it's time to leave and go back to Porto.
We're saying goodbye to the nicest friends we made and we're remembering the wonderful time we had here.
These were two weeks in which we had the opportunity to improve our English, meet and get to know people from different nationalities and to visit different and beautiful places, like Oxford, Burton on the water, Cambridge, London, Swindon ...

We loved it and most of us would like to repeat it :)))!

These were some of our best moments:)

A day in Stratford upon Avon - Shakespeare's Birthplace

Saturday we were visiting Stratford Upon Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace.

 Shakespeare's house was a big house for the time he lived ... Here we have some of the parts of it. ..,
 The Kitchen 
His bedroom 

sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Last day of classes - Receiving Certificates :)))

Today we finished classes and we 're very happy and proud because we did very well!
Here we are receiving our certificates from Mark, who is the chief of staff and Maya, a very nice teacher, who made everything to see us happy!

Ruben was the first. He received two certificates, one with the results of the summer course and other to distinguish him for his academic excellence during these two weeks. 
Superb Ruben! 
Then Maria, who was on her own in classes, so hopefully improved her English very much. 
 Luís, who did Very Good and promised the teacher he would work harder next school year. 
 Inês, who was praised for her curious and bright interventions as well as for her participation. 

  Ana Filipa, who was also praised for helping others and have a good level of understanding and speaking English. 
and the Teacher for being a wonderful Group Leader:)